Do’s and Don’ts for the Griha Pravesh Ceremony

According to Hinduism, the Griha Pravesh ceremony is a very important puja which is generally performed to ensure that the house is kept away from any kind of negative energy. It is also done to seek the blessings of the Gods to watch over the house, bless it with prosperity and protect it from evil intentions.
A complex ceremony called Griha Pravesh Puja involves Ganesh Homa and Vastu Puja. To get full benefits from this puja, you as a family member have to follow a set of instructions, called Vidhi.
Before starting Griha Pravesh Puja, make sure that the roof, doors and windows of the house are completed.
Choose an auspicious day to shift to a new house
Except the gas burner, never move any furniture inside the house before the Vastu Puja is over.
To overcome obstacles, break a coconut before entering the house.
Always put your right foot first while entering the house as it is a symbol of prosperity.
The east direction of the house should be where the idols are kept.
To ward off evil spirits, conch shells should be blown and milk should be boiled, which is again a sign of prosperity.
Failure to keep the house occupied for at least three days after the puja is over will negate the results of the puja.
Don’t forget to provide enough food and gifts for the priest.
Sprinkle holy water from the Kalash using mango leaves to purify your entire house.

Avoid Inauspicious Days:
Avoid conducting the Griha Pravesh ceremony on inauspicious days or during certain periods like mourning, eclipses, or specific planetary positions.
Don’t Enter During Sutak Period:
Sutak is a period considered inauspicious for Griha Pravesh. It’s best to avoid entering the new home during a woman’s menstrual cycle or after the birth of a child.

No Negative Discussions:
Avoid negative discussions, arguments, or any form of negativity during the ceremony.
Don’t Forget to Perform Rituals:
Follow the prescribed rituals and procedures as guided by the priest or the family tradition. Skipping important rituals may be considered inauspicious.
If the lady of the house is expecting a child:
If the lady of the house is expecting a child or someone has died in the family then do not perform the puja.

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